Thursday, March 2, 2017

Wish !

What kind of life that would be when or where you get everything you wish for and you become everything you wish to be? Do you want that life?
Very few are born with that fortune. But struggle has a different taste altogether. A mixed taste of comfort and hardship. If you do not strive for something, you will be left weak.

Somethings are meant to be the way as those are. Nothing can be done and nothing can bring a change in the way those things are carried out. If you wish to reach out for the sky, you can surely reach it but it will still seem to be infinite. How far can you go? That is the real question.

Wishing to be like someone is useless. One should always try to be self, path will always be paved but it is one's own choice whether to choose a paved path or create a new one which others will follow.

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