Saturday, March 14, 2015

Mind is empty!

Every human being has to face a situation in which he goes through a state of emptiness rather he is in a state of limbo. He is not able to find out what to do and what to write and what to think. He gets so much confused that he is not able to concentrate, but in the midst of all the happenings he forgets that his brain functions the most at the time of limbo as he is able to give the maximum time to himself at that very situation and if he wishes he can work on improving and honing his skills at such times.

Poetic limbo, writer’s limbo, engineer’s limbo or any such kind of limbo can be beneficial to the self if that human being wishes to turn that into his advantage just by thinking a bit more. Thinking is the key to all kinds of success.
Just don't let any kind of block hinder the pace of your life.

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