Saturday, June 2, 2018

Life and a plate of rice and curry!

Your mom serves you a plate of rice with some curry and you have already been informed that there is no extra curry. In the beginning, you do not pay much heed to that warning and start enjoying the food. Soon you realize that not much curry with be left for the rest of the rice. So you start eating carefully, less curry with more rice. What happens next? You have enough curry for the end so that you can retain the taste without wasting the rice with just a little bit of management and compromise.

So, why this curry and rice story? Life is very much like the curry and rice. Only if you decide to adjust sometimes, the rest of the journey becomes fun. If you end up using all the resources and the money in the beginning, you will be left with nothing but dismay!

Sometimes people might even call you frugal or unsocial but they actually do not know the things which go on in your mind so let them think. Why think about what others are thinking? Plan for the bigger things, look at the bigger picture.

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