Monday, November 24, 2014

Should we trust our eyes more than our ears ?

Most often we come across situations in which we prefer to believe what we see rather than what we listen to. At times when rumors are spread, we don't bother to pay full attention to what the rumors actually mean as we are not ready to believe them completely rather we are not ready to believe our ears but at the same time if the same rumor is visible and is seen by us then the degree of trust will increase to a great extent.
For instance if something is happening in-front of you but is inaudible, your conscience will narrate the event to you and if someone else will try to narrate that to you, you will prefer not to believe him as you trust your eyes and conscience more than your ears and anyone or anything else.
Ironically your eyes are also not always correct, as what is visible to the naked eye is not actually happening.

Now, what would you prefer to be, blind or deaf, or remain both even if you have those senses up-to the mark.

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