This might seem to be a notice or an eye opener or simply a request to the most intelligent living beings that is the human beings to open their eyes now as it is high time. People have forgotten about something called conscience which they very much have but are not ready to use it.
People are getting confused, have lost their rationality and are suddenly getting bewildered with the events which are happening in and around the world but are not ready to take any kind of measures. The best thing which we are doing now is posting status and changing the display pictures, is it really creating any difference? I don't think so. " A pen is mightier than a sword, " this is what motivated me to write today and I know that this is not going to create any difference as well.
We should now question the political leaders, the so called super powers and all the remaining powers, whose powers seem to be exaggerated to a great extent now, about what are they waiting for, are they waiting for a few more deaths? Few speeches and harsh words by great leaders will not kill the sinners, harsh actions will do.
The terrorists are outcasts, they don't represent any religion nor do they fall under the biological or scientific name homo sapiens, they are animals, animals which feed on their own breed, you can call them cannibals as well if they are humans but they believe in killing, butchers would be better. Terrorists who are driven by adrenaline rush should not be the reason of communal riots in the world, they are not a part of any religion and if they are they should not be.
Human beings please get united, unity has got a lot of strength.
You will get the most common conclusions and solutions here. I am not a Guru or someone special but I do find myself most of the times in situations where my judgement becomes universal.
Friday, November 20, 2015
Humans please!
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Going back to the womb!
Is it really possible to go back to the womb? Well practically it is not but virtually it is.
Durga Pujo, it meant something else in the beginning, it is after coming to Kolkata and staying here that it all changed. Kolkata, a partially busy metropolitan and a considerably crowded place turned out to be a completely different place altogether during the Durga Pujo. It was as if lakhs of people have come out of the womb of mother Kolkata and there is no one to control the birth rate. Fully grown adults and kids and what not took birth during those five or six days.
One will get the idea of the population boom in Kolkata only during the Durga Pujo, and Kolkata becomes the Mother Mary who gets blessed with so many children every year during the Durga Pujo. Kolkata opens the gates of the womb and the children don't need the help of the doctors to be pulled out of the sacred place.
When you move out on the roads you suddenly realise that you have been blessed with so many brothers and sisters that you can only see their heads on the roads, sometimes it becomes tough for you to walk around. Roads at those times are devoid of vehicles, only human engines emit carbon dioxide on all five days.
This festival brings rather gives life to the metropolitan and gives an opportunity to Kolkata to become a Mother once again and give birth to so many people who care for the place, who turn out to love this place more than their work.
The sad part is, five days pass without giving any application to Mother Kolkata and by the time Mother realises it all the children get back to the womb, as in they vanish. The streets become comparatively empty and you fail to see only heads. All you can see is thousands of vehicles which have only one thing to give and that is pollution. You start seeing all those faces again who are enchained to the same enslaving jobs, they start following their routine and forget about Mother Kolkata. Mother becomes a mere place to stay again, a place which gives them food and shelter and a means to work.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Cover is just a disguise !
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Corporate mirage !
Friday, July 31, 2015
Can you go ahead and declare that you have got the script your life? Impossible! And you can not break or syllablize this impossible in a smart manner. Somethings are meant to be impossible and no fortune teller has got the ability to hand you the script otherwise the fun and the adventure is over. Life is an adventure, it is not supposed to be a boring script. Well scripts are not always boring, a script for a three hour movie can be fine, but can you be all ears to a script of an odd sixty or seventy years.
Friday, July 10, 2015
The only reason behind all the problems in this universe is prejudice. Either people know a thing or not they will always keep a pre assumed thought, that is what is prejudice, they will pre-judge everything.
You can never judge a book by its cover, but people will never understand it, they will always try to judge you or anything by the outlook. Prejudice does not make things easier, it gives birth to difficulties. Sometimes the difficulties are so complex that you are unable to find a way out.
Prejudice should be kicked out of the society as soon as possible otherwise people will stop using their rationality and will victimize this world with prejudice. Whole world will turn blind.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Right place - wrong time !
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Uncertainty !
Along with change uncertainty is something which is permanent. Even after everything being well and good you can never be certain about the existence of that good time for a long time. You are always hoping for something good to happen and you want that to be permanent, but reality is too difficult and different. Things won't last forever, that is the only fact you can be certain about. Foolish are those people who lead their lives believing that everything is good, but somewhere and somehow they are doing the right thing.
Being a part of this homo sapiens race you should keep in mind two most important things, that is change is the only thing permanent and nothing is certain.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Dedicated to the graduates and would be graduates !
Friday, June 12, 2015
Reason !
Sunday, May 24, 2015
An experience !
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Readers !
Friday, May 15, 2015
Chakravyu- unplugged
Pom's life has lost its pace, Pom says,"Life is like a flowing waterbody, once it becomes stagnant it becomes useless, either it dries up or the water gets infected.
He is unable to differentiate whether everything is getting back to normal or becoming worse. He remains busy with himself, always in a state of soliloquy. Adjectives like regular and punctual apply no more on Pom. He has now become the most ordinary person of that place and he does not even have a choice.
Few days ago, a so called fest was organized by his year mates in his college, but he was asked by no one to participate, that pissed him off. That was one hell of a day for him. Susane was looking gorgeous that day but he was not allowed to talk with her. He could only watch her. He was not stalking her, he had got the guts to go and have a chat with her but he did not as he had promised not to create anymore trouble for Susane.
Pom had agreed not to talk with her either in person or on phone, expecting not to cause any trouble for Susane, that was so very foolish and unselfish of him. Still his year mates do not believe that he loves her. He regrets not having said anything when he had the opportunity, only because he was afraid of the consequences that Susane had to face, he couldn't do anything.
That night on the day of the fest, he had lost control of himself and all his emotions had burst out, Pom was screaming and shouting only one thing," I hate everyone." A scene had been created, and he was just a clown. People were having fun at what they were watching. He did not care about what people said or did, Pom had always been that way, he hated hypocrisy.
Someone has to know Susane's part of the story as well, but it is not possible as she is surrounded with people who have faces infinite and it is next to impossible for Pom to know her condition now.
Life has become a gamble for Pom, which he knows he is not going to win but hope keeps him alive and provides him strength to breathe.
The series of events that had occurred has helped him a lot. He could now realize who his real friends were and could trace the hypocrites. Now he can easily differentiate between truth and a lie.
Days seem to be like months now, Pom is waiting for the end of the semester, until and unless the semester is over Pom will not be able to rejuvenate himself. Pom has been entrapped in a graveyard of depression, he needs to get out as soon as possible otherwise he will have to get inside a coffin too.
Friday, May 8, 2015
Monday, May 4, 2015
Life Happens !
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Gone are the GOLDEN DAYS !
Thursday, April 23, 2015
One man army !

Thursday, April 16, 2015
Learn to let go !
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Its none of anybody's business !
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Discipline is temporary !
Friday, March 27, 2015
Birth of crisis !
Monday, March 23, 2015
Are you a leader ?
Finding the leader inside you is just the first step, many hindrances will be on the way once you finally decide to become a leader. People will start abusing, pulling your legs but you have to stay determined. Determination and hard work are the keys to become a good leader.
A leader is not a boss, he is more like a mentor who wants to go along with his companions and does not wish to boss others. A good leader is never alone, he will surely get the support of his companions at the time of need.
Yes yes yes, you are a LEADER .
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Saturday, March 14, 2015
Mind is empty!
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Triangle !
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Necessity of excellence !
Monday, February 9, 2015
Can popularity be a curse ?
Thursday, January 29, 2015
High Time it is !
Long time no see!
Well, to be honest, I was almost gone for-ever. I am beginning to gather all the remaining strength that I have and I am discovering the new...

"What is your name boy?" The old man asked, but the boy did not want to respond and that increased the level of curiosity in...